Catalog: Stockton University

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How Climate Change Impacts the Pinelands will focus on New Jersey Pinelands and the threats of climate change on the ecosystem. Topics that will be addressed include specific challenges - increased wildfires, increased invasion of insect species, instability in forest composition, the sea level rise pushing brackish water inland, and change in water quality - along with mediation efforts. There will also be a discussion on the exponential growth of invasive species. Data literacy will be used to understand the effects of observable data gathered during the workshop. Dr. Tait Chirenje will lead this workshop initially in a face-to-face format. The workshop will be focused on the incorporation of science and math and will also incorporate computer science and design thinking.

Target Audience: K-12 Teachers

Content Areas: Science, Math, Computer Science & Design Thinking and Health & PE

This workshop is part of a grant-funded project, the Climate Change Learning Collaborative, and is available at NO COST to attend. Teachers attending out-of-school workshops will receive a stipend for their participation. Districts will be reimbursed for the cost of substitutes when teachers attend programming during the school day.

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Project-based learning can be used as a foundation for framing interdisciplinary curriculum units and instruction. Educators in this workshop will be introduced to critical design elements of impactful problem-based learning units which begin with the end in mind and place an emphasis on meeting the intended outcomes of the standards articulated throughout all disciplines, including measurable assessments, and learning experiences. Opportunities for partnerships with the identified Community Based Organizations (CBOs) working with this project will be included within the interdisciplinary project-based learning units.

Target Audience: K-12 Teachers

Content Areas: All interdisciplinary standards

This workshop is part of a grant-funded project, the Climate Change Learning Collaborative, and is available at NO COST to attend. Teachers attending out-of-school workshops will receive a stipend for their participation. Districts will be reimbursed for the cost of substitutes when teachers attend programming during the school day.

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This workshop will build upon CORE 4 and will focus on the implementation of interdisciplinary project-based units of study and the incorporation of experiential learning experiences. Topics of this workshop will include incorporating experiential learning with specific CBO examples. Dr. Kim Lebak and Dr. Stacey Culleny along with CBO Educators will lead this workshop. The workshops will be grade level specific and will have an interdisciplinary focus for all content areas.

Target Audience: K-12 Teachers

Content Areas: All interdisciplinary standards

This workshop is part of a grant-funded project, the Climate Change Learning Collaborative, and is available at NO COST to attend. Teachers attending out-of-school workshops will receive a stipend for their participation. Districts will be reimbursed for the cost of substitutes when teachers attend programming during the school day.

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This workshop will focus on the use of high quality resources and self-assessment tools to evaluate the materials. The NJDOE Designing and Evaluating Instructional Materials checklist will be introduced. In addition, drawing upon the expertise of the ETTC, participants will be introduced to technology resources that can be used during PBL units. The workshop will be conducted by Dr. Stacey Culleny, Dr. Kimberly Lebak and ETTC staff.

Target Audience: K-12 Teachers

Content Areas: All interdisciplinary standards

This workshop is part of a grant-funded project, the Climate Change Learning Collaborative, and is available at NO COST to attend. Teachers attending out-of-school workshops will receive a stipend for their participation. Districts will be reimbursed for the cost of substitutes when teachers attend programming during the school day.

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