Catalog: Genesee Valley BOCES (Web Registration)

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1. Foundations of Fluency: 3 Part Video Series (Regional Summer Program Staff Only)

Program: School Improvement

Audience: Genesee Valley BOCES Regional Summer Program Teacher & Administrators

Dates: 6/1/2024

Video 1: Foundations of Fluency - Number Concepts

Description: Certain skills and understandings are good (and necessary) beginnings for fluency. This session unpacks what those skills and understandings are while providing classroom-ready resources for teaching and practicing them. This session also helps pinpoint where to provide intervention when student fluency stalls.

Video 2: Foundations of Fluency -Basic Facts

Description: There is nothing basic about basic facts. Though fluency goes beyond basic facts, they do play a role in students' growth and ultimately their overall fluency. This session examines proven approaches to realizing basic fact fluency. Instructional sequences and resources will be provided. This session also helps provide ideas for intervention and reteaching in later grades.

Video 3: Foundations of Fluency - Strategies for Addition & Subtraction

Description: There are five significant strategies for addition and subtraction of whole numbers laying the foundation for work with later number types. This session is a deep dive into those strategies highlighting what they are and how they work while providing classroom-ready resources to help teach them.

Session recordings will be sent to participants on June 1, 2024 via email. Participants will have until July 31, 2024 to complete the asynchronous session.

2. Genesee Valley BOCES 2024 Leadership Institute

Program: School Improvement

Audience: Genesee Valley BOCES K-12 Building and District Leaders

Dates: 7/31/2024 to 8/1/2024

2 day event
AGENDA: A more detailed agenda is forthcoming

Day 1:
Keynote Speakers: Dr. Thomas Guskey & More
Professional Learning Breakout Sessions

Day 2:
Conversation Stations/District Work Time/Team Building

**This event is for GV BOCES component districts only

**Participation in the 2024 Leadership Institute serves as annual APPR re-certification for leaders.

3. APPR Re-Certification for Lead Evaluators of Teachers (August 2024 Cohort)

Program: School Improvement

Audience: Lead Evaluators of Teachers, Principals, and Superintendents

Dates: 8/1/2024

The State Education Department requires all evaluators of teachers and principals to be certified through an appropriate training process. Lead evaluators are those who conduct summative annual professional performance reviews (APPR) of teachers. Each district must certify that these lead evaluators have been trained in the minimum requirements as outlined in the APPR regulations. The components of this APPR re-certification training are based on the four-day Lead Evaluator Certificate Training. This asynchronous session is meant to serve as an opportunity for lead evaluators to annually revisit the major components of that training and renew certification, which will allow continued evaluation of teachers. This session is meant to be viewed in collaboration with an administrative team within your building or district, but it may be viewed by independent administrators as well.

Participants will receive information to access the asynchronous materials prior to the session date. Participants must complete the webcast by the last date of the cohort month.

4. APPR Re-Certification for Lead Evaluators of Teachers (September 2024 Cohort)

Program: School Improvement

Audience: Lead Evaluators of Teachers, Principals, and Superintendents

Dates: 9/2/2024

The State Education Department requires all evaluators of teachers and principals to be certified through an appropriate training process. Lead evaluators are those who conduct summative annual professional performance reviews (APPR) of teachers. Each district must certify that these lead evaluators have been trained in the minimum requirements as outlined in the APPR regulations. The components of this APPR re-certification training are based on the four-day Lead Evaluator Certificate Training. This asynchronous session is meant to serve as an opportunity for lead evaluators to annually revisit the major components of that training and renew certification, which will allow continued evaluation of teachers. This session is meant to be viewed in collaboration with an administrative team within your building or district, but it may be viewed by independent administrators as well.

Participants will receive information to access the asynchronous materials prior to the session date. Participants must complete the webcast by the last date of the cohort month.

5. Canvassing The NYSED Literacy Briefs

Program: School Improvement

Audience: Grades PreK-12 Teachers, Instructional Coaches, Teacher Leaders, and Administrators

Dates: 9/12/2024

In Person
Starting Soon
If you missed the January 2024 statewide kick-off of the New York State literacy initiative, then this professional learning session is for you! This half day opportunity is designed to provide educators, administrators, and instructional leaders with a broad view of the seven literacy briefs released by the New York State Education Department (NYSED). These briefs offer critical insights and evidence-based practices aimed at enhancing literacy instruction across grade levels, best practices in writing, and how leaders can best support literacy equity. Participants will engage in an exploration of the briefs, discussing the implications for curriculum development, instructional strategies, and student outcomes.

6. Regional CSE Chairperson Meeting (Genesee Valley BOCES Districts Only)

Program: Special Education

Audience: Gensee Valley BOCES Regional Special Education Administrators

Dates: 9/12/2024

In Person
Starting Soon
Regional CSE Chairperson Meetings are to provide special education leaders in the Genesee Valley BOCES area with updates from the Office of Special Education, NSYED, and regional networks. Time will also be given up to guest speakers, professional learning, and collaborative projects.

7. Regional Forum Regarding NYSED Blue Ribbon Commission

Program: School Improvement

Audience: District Personnel & Individuals

Dates: 9/12/2024

Starting Soon
On September 12, 2024 regional BOCES partners will facilitate a statewide discussion to elicit feedback regarding the proposed Blue Ribbon Commissions recommendations in New York State. This session will be run as a Zoom virtual meeting. In order to provide specific feedback, please read the The Blue Ribbon Commission recommendations prior to the meeting time. Once we receive registration notifications in Frontline, the documents will be sent to participants.

Each district can send up to 3 participants.

Monroe 2 BOCES will host in-person and participants who register through Genesee Valley BOCES will join Monroe 2 virtually from the LeRoy Services Center (80 Munson Street LeRoy NY 14482). Please plan on being at 80 Munson St, LeRoy in person. Thank you!

8. School Social Work Peer Group 2024 - 2025

Program: Trauma, Illness and Grief (TIG)

Audience: School Social Workers

Dates: 9/17/2024 to 6/17/2025

Meet with other school social workers in the region for professional development, case reviews, peer support/mentorship and networking. Drop in format, come to as many sessions as you can.

9. Unpacking the Educator Guides for Life Science: Biology and Earth and Space Sciences: What to Expect With the New Regents Examinations

Program: School Improvement

Audience: Life Science: Biology Teachers, Earth and Space Sciences Teachers, Administrators

Dates: 9/17/2024

This synchronous session provides an overview of the Educator Guides for Life Science: Biology and Earth and Space Sciences (ESS). Participants will become familiar with the structure of the June 2025 Regents Examinations for both Biology and ESS. This includes the role of the required Investigations, test specifications, test design, and what types of questions will be asked.

The synchronous webinar link and supporting materials will be sent to registered participants the day before the session. CTLE credit will be awarded to those who attend the live webinar.

10. Eating Disorders Awareness & Prevention Training

Program: Trauma, Illness and Grief (TIG)

Audience: Physical Education Teachers, Athletic Directors & Coaches, Health Teachers , FACS Teachers, School Nurses

Dates: 9/19/2024

A curriculum based education and prevention for: Physical Education Teachers, Athletic Directors & Coaches, Health Teachers, FACS Teachers &School Nurses. Keynote Speaker: Dr. Mary Tantillo, Founder of The Healing Connection. Learn the signs & symptoms of eating disorders, Education & prevention strategies with students, How to meet NYS Learning Standards with a prevention lens, Interdisciplinary crosswalk strategies for your school. Hear from individuals with lived experience with eating disorders. Lunch Included!

11. Discipline is Restorative In Nature

Program: School Improvement

Audience: K-8 General Education, Special Education & Intervention Teachers, Instructional Coaches, and Administrators

Dates: 9/24/2024

In Person
Lunch Included
Biographical Sketch: Brad Weinstein is the co-author of the Washington Post bestseller Hacking School Discipline and has been featured in numerous publications and podcasts. He is also a co-author of The AI Classroom and an upcoming book tentatively titled Balanced Discipline. He has spent the last several years working with schools across the world with the implementation of restorative practices. Brad has dedicated his career to empowering students with the skills they need for success in a rapidly changing world. He first carried out this vision as an elementary and middle school teacher before becoming the principal of a high school on the east side of Indianapolis. Brad became the founding Director of Curriculum and Instruction for a STEM-focused network of schools dedicated to authentic learning by tackling real-world problems.

Session Description: This session will explore the restorative mindset and the basic practices that lead to understanding behaviors and building connections in the classroom. Participants can expect to examine inequitable power structures that exist within schools, and how classroom circles can support a warm and welcoming classroom environment.

12. TIG Training Fall 2024

Program: Trauma, Illness and Grief (TIG)

Audience: School Administrators, Mental Health team, SROs, nurses, teachers

Dates: 9/24/2024 to 12/11/2024

Full TIG Training will give an overview of the important considerations for administrators, counselors and staff when responding to critical incidents in their school community. Attendees will become aware of best practices and trauma informed care, and how to best utilize and support your district's TIG team during a crisis. Topics include grief & loss at school -trauma -suicide risk & intervention in youth and adolescents -chronic & acute illness -school violence: intervention & prevention -managing media and communication during incidents , with an emphasis on a team approach to strategic planning in the first hours after an incident. *Please confirm with your TIG Coordinator before signing up

13. Learning to Depolarize: Helping Students Reach Across Lines of Divide

Program: School Improvement

Audience: K-12 General Education, Social Studies, Special Education & Intervention Teachers, Instructional Coaches, and Administrators

Dates: 9/25/2024

In Person
Lunch Included
Featured Speaker
Biographical Sketch: Kent has taught, coached, and occupied several leadership positions at the middle-school level over the past twenty years. He is a recipient of various honors, including the Margot Stern Strom Teaching Award from Facing History and Ourselves and the NAIS Teacher of the Future designation. He earned his Ed.M. in Learning and Teaching from Harvard University. In partnership with the Better Arguments Project, Kent created a curriculum to encourage civil discourse among middle- and high-school students. He has helped envision and execute programming for the K-12 sector of the National Week of Conversation, and he serves on the Education Advisory Team for Courageous Rhode Island. Kent has also worked with a number of schools to help educators navigate the complexities of political polarization. By virtue of temperament and experience, he is well suited to gently, purposefully, and humorously leading students and faculty members through difficult discussions.

Description: As the election approaches, your school and community may be more politically active than ever. Join School Improvement and Kent for an entire day dedicated to learning and engagement, aimed at "depolarizing" and assisting students, staff, and community members in engaging in meaningful political discussions. These discussions are designed to understand a diverse set of perspectives. Rather than seeking to change or alter opinions, Kent's approach integrates media literacy, civic engagement, and social-emotional learning into a comprehensive toolkit for educators and districts. This toolkit addresses the challenges of political discourse in the 21st century. Our students are poised to enter a politically divided society, and Kent will work with us to help students "disagree better" and engage in respectful conversations with those who hold different views.

14. TIG Primary Contact Meetings 2024-2025

Program: Trauma, Illness and Grief (TIG)

Audience: TIG Primary Contact from each district

Dates: 9/26/2024 to 4/3/2025

The "TIG Primary Contact" a person from your district that may be the point of contact in a critical incident. These meetings are designed to bring ongoing support and training, and learn from other districts. Meetings will include table top exercises, debriefing critical incidents and providing guidance on supporting your TIG team.

15. Effective IEP Advocacy, Social Emotional Goals & Implementation

Program: Trauma, Illness and Grief (TIG)

Dates: 9/26/2024

Everything you need to know about creating effective social emotional support on a students' IEP, including criteria guideline, effective goal writing, advocacy for services and implementation.

16. Reading Network

Program: Teacher Center Catalog

Audience: Reading Specialists

Dates: 9/27/2024

We will be focusing on two resources: The Writing Rope by Joan Sedita and Shifting the Balance 3 -5 by Cunningham, Burkins, and Yates. The K - 2 book will also be of topic. If you have your own copies of these books, please bring them. The Reading Network has limited copies. During our time together we will be focusing on chapters 5 - 8 of The Writing Rope. We are asking that participants watch Session 1 and Session 2 on YouTube before the meeting. They cover chapters 1 - 4. We will also begin our journey together in Shifting the Balance 3 - 5. These two resources will be guiding our networking this year! As always, please come with anything to share! We learn from each other, and together our network is an amazing resource in itself! Hope to see you all on the 27th!

17. TIG One-Day for Administrators

Program: Trauma, Illness and Grief (TIG)

Audience: Administrators

Dates: 9/30/2024

Administrators plan an essential role during a critical incident. They are often the ones gathering the TIG team, participating in strategic planning and crafting crisis communications. This one day training is designed for Administrators that haven't had time to take the full five day TIG training, or are looking for a refresher. An overview of trauma, grief, chronic illness, suicide prevention & intervention, threat assessment with a focus on strategic planning. Lunch included.

18. APPR Re-Certification for Lead Evaluators of Teachers (October 2024 Cohort)

Program: School Improvement

Audience: Lead Evaluators of Teachers, Principals, and Superintendents

Dates: 10/1/2024

The State Education Department requires all evaluators of teachers and principals to be certified through an appropriate training process. Lead evaluators are those who conduct summative annual professional performance reviews (APPR) of teachers. Each district must certify that these lead evaluators have been trained in the minimum requirements as outlined in the APPR regulations. The components of this APPR re-certification training are based on the four-day Lead Evaluator Certificate Training. This asynchronous session is meant to serve as an opportunity for lead evaluators to annually revisit the major components of that training and renew certification, which will allow continued evaluation of teachers. This session is meant to be viewed in collaboration with an administrative team within your building or district, but it may be viewed by independent administrators as well.

Participants will receive information to access the asynchronous materials prior to the session date. Participants must complete the webcast by the last date of the cohort month.

19. NYS Computer Science & Digital Fluency Standards Implementation

Program: Model Schools

Audience: Curriculum leaders, librarians, STEAM teachers, others involved standards implementation

Dates: 10/1/2024

The CS/DF standards are now meant to be fully implemented across all schools in New York State. The standards address technology skills that are becoming increasingly important for participation in life, work, and citizenship; skills our students need to be successful, regardless of what future career paths they may take. Intended to be implemented across all grade levels and subject areas, how can we make sure all students are getting the skills they need? Join us to explore how to prioritize the standards, figure out what tools and resources you can use, and build out lesson plans from there. In-district follow up support is available for Model Schools districts.

20. Explicit Writing Models Featuring The Writing Revolution (TWR)

Program: School Improvement

Audience: Grades 3-12 Teachers, Instructional Coaches, Teacher Leaders, and Administrators

Dates: 10/2/2024 to 10/10/2024

In Person
"Help - My students can't write!” Although this is an American sentiment expressed all too frequently, there has been little to address the decades of statistics that support the perspective… until now! TWR, also known as the Hochman Method, presents a self-contained ecosystem of explicit writing approaches. Such approaches include: sentence-level strategies, single and multiple-paragraph outlines (SPO & Transition Outline) and summary techniques, as well as note-taking and annotation frameworks. TWR is not a program or curriculum; it is, however, a collection of explicit instructional methods poised to address the longstanding deficiency of writing skills still plaguing schools today. In Part 1, participants can expect to learn and understand six (6) guiding principles, as well as a selection from the ten (10) sentence-level strategies. In Part 2, participants will continue to investigate single and multi-paragraph outline structures, as well as annotating techniques and infusing sentence-level work.

Registered participants will receive a copy of the text The Writing Revolution for extended use.

It is highly recommended to register with a colleague that is horizontally or vertically aligned, as there are interleaved discussion periods to consider applying the content to your curriculum and instruction.

21. TIG Tune Up Series: Trauma Informed Yearbooks, Graduations & Special Events

Program: Trauma, Illness and Grief (TIG)

Audience: Administrators, School Mental Health team, SROs, Nurses,Teachers and Coaches

Dates: 10/2/2024

Learn/Review best trauma infored practices for those milestone moments - including yearbooks, graduations & other special events One hour Zoom discussion.

22. Artificial Intelligence Implemented in the Classroom

Program: Model Schools

Audience: Teachers interested in incorporating AI into their classrooms or Computer Science Courses

Dates: 10/3/2024

Artificial intelligence is a powerful force. Rather than shying away from potential misuse, how can we teach our students to use it ethically and responsibly for good? For them to fully understand its potential and flaws, they need to see it in action. How can we do this safely with Ed Law 2d and student privacy in mind? Join us to explore AI implementation in the classroom. Learn how to teach students of any age about this increasingly important technology.

23. Student Discipline Training - A Vignette of Legal Topics

Program: School Improvement

Audience: Administrators

Dates: 10/7/2024

In Person
The GVBOCES Labor Relations Department will be hosting a Student Discipline Training for our component districts on October 7, 2024. This training will delve into the law on the following important legal and procedural topics:

Suspension Letter Issues Ripe for Appeal

ISS Procedural Changes

Evidence: What can you prove?

Appeal of D.B. - The 6 Factors for an Appropriate Penalty.

Waivers & Abeyances

Search & Seizure Law

Student Freedom of Speech

24. GSA Conference Day

Program: Trauma, Illness and Grief (TIG)

Audience: GSA Leaders, any educational LGBTQ+ allies

Dates: 10/8/2024

This one day conference is an informative and supportive gathering for leaders of Gay-Straight Alliance or other LGBTQ+ clubs in our region. In today's world, GSA advisors face unprecedented challenges, from navigating shifting political landscapes to ensuring the safety and well-being of LGBTQ+ students in their schools. Embracing such a role and being there for your students every day can be overwhelming at times, which is why GLOW OUT! and their partners at GLYS want to provide you with a full day of programmatic, emotional, and social support for the school year ahead. In addition to GSA basics (legal protections, local and national resources, ways to structure your club, etc.) we will also have time to share triumphs and challenges, plan collaborative events for the year ahead, develop innovative strategies for advocacy and support, and become a stronger community together. Lunch Included.

25. Mathematics 5-8 Cohort

Program: School Improvement

Audience: Grades 5-8 Math Teachers

Dates: 10/9/2024 to 3/20/2025

In Person
Lunch Provided
The Mathematics 5-8 Cohort will afford mathematics teachers the opportunity to connect with other 5-8 math teachers. The cohort model is structured to provide NYSED/regional updates and collaborative opportunities. The goal of the cohort is to learn best practices and why they work, as well as what these practices look like in a classroom. Participants will collaborate with colleagues to implement the best practices and reflect on implementation. The cohort structure also allows teachers to share personal implementation and reflections with the larger group.

26. Navigating the New York State P-12 Science Learning Standards

Program: School Improvement

Audience: Grades K-12 General/Special Education Teachers, Interventionists, Teacher Leaders, Instructional Coaches, and Administrators

Dates: 10/9/2024

In Person
Lunch Provided
Science instruction is shifting in New York State. Join the School Improvement Team to explore the New York State P-12 Science Learning Standards (NYSP12SLS). Participants will become familiar with the structure and key components of the NYSP12SLS, including the three dimensions of science learning: Science and Engineering Practices, Disciplinary Core Ideas, and Crosscutting Concepts. Educators will also learn strategies for incorporating these dimensions into their curriculum, thereby making science education more engaging and accessible for all students.

27. Participation in Government & Economics Cohort

Program: School Improvement

Audience: Participation in Government & Economics Teachers, Social Studies Teachers 7-12

Dates: 10/9/2024 to 3/12/2025

The Participation in Government & Economics (PIG & ECON) Cohort invites social studies educators to collaborate on curriculum, have discussion around instruction, and examine the role of assessment with peers across the Genesee Valley region. This cohort aims to welcome not only PIG and ECON educators, but also social studies teachers at all levels, who are eager to integrate economics and civic education into their 7-12 classrooms. The cohort's objective is to explore best practices and current research in civic and economic education, and to tailor these insights to suit individual teaching styles and students' needs. Sessions will occur three times a year, lasting one hour each and conducted virtually via Zoom.

28. Agriculture Education Cohort

Program: School Improvement

Audience: Agriculture Educators, Technology and Science Teachers

Dates: 10/10/2024 to 3/6/2025

In Person
Lunch Provided
The Ag Cohort is intended to provide professional learning for agricultural (Ag) educators. It is an opportunity to collaborate on important issues and topics affecting their practice. Participants will discuss best practices for advancing Ag education programs in districts through classroom instruction, Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE), and Future Farmers of America (FFA). The cohort will collaborate with representative members from organizations such as Future Farmers of America (FFA), Career & Technical Education (CTE) and Agri-businesses in our GV BOCES region. Tours of local Agri-businesses will be scheduled as part of the professional learning days.

29. US History & Government Cohort

Program: School Improvement

Audience: Grades 7-8 Social Studies and Grade 11 U.S. History & Government Teachers

Dates: 10/15/2024 to 3/26/2025

In Person
Lunch Provided
The US History & Government Cohort will allow grades 7-8, and 11 social studies teachers to create a vibrant community where educators can engage with peers in their field. This cohort is structured to offer updates from the New York State Education Department (NYSED) and regional education authorities, alongside fostering a collaborative environment. The cohort aims to facilitate the sharing of best educational practices, enhance our collective expertise in content, and ensure that we remain at the cutting edge of social studies education. For the 2024-2025 academic year, our focus will be on refining historical source analysis techniques, developing inquiry-based learning strategies, and integrating the latest historical research into our teaching practices.

30. Science 9-12 Cohort

Program: School Improvement

Audience: Grades 9-12 Science Teachers

Dates: 10/16/2024 to 3/5/2025

In Person
Lunch Provided
The Science 9-12 Cohort will afford secondary science teachers the opportunity to connect with other secondary science teachers. The cohort model is structured to provide NYSED/regional updates and collaborative opportunities. The goal of the cohort is to learn best practices and why they work, as well as what these practices look like in a classroom. Participants will collaborate with colleagues to implement the best practices and reflect on implementation. The cohort structure also allows teachers to share personal implementation and reflections with the larger group. The focus will be on exploring the crosscutting concepts, integrating disciplinary core ideas, science and engineering practices, and crosscutting concepts, and designing 3-dimensional assessments aligned to the New York State P-12 Science Learning Standards.

31. STEAM Cohort

Program: Model Schools

Audience: Grades K-12 STEAM Teachers (or those pursuing a STEAM position)

Dates: 10/17/2024

This cohort is designed for educators that are working in a STEAM-related position, interested in moving into such a position, or interested in integrating EdTech and other STEAM activities and resources into their regular classroom/library. The Cohort will be introduced to a variety of EdTech and STEAM tools and resources. Options for integrating STEAM activities into a variety of curricular areas will be explored, with additional emphasis on building collaborative relationships with other teachers for planning STEAM activities including how to build a STEAM culture in your school building. Lunch will be provided.

32. Regional CSE Chairperson Meeting (Genesee Valley BOCES Districts Only)

Program: Special Education

Audience: Gensee Valley BOCES Regional Special Education Administrators

Dates: 10/17/2024

In Person
Regional CSE Chairperson Meetings are to provide special education leaders in the Genesee Valley BOCES area with updates from the Office of Special Education, NSYED, and regional networks. Time will also be given up to guest speakers, professional learning, and collaborative projects.

33. Unpacking the Educator Guides for Life Science: Biology and Earth and Space Sciences: What to Expect With the New Regents Examinations

Program: School Improvement

Audience: Life Science: Biology Teachers, Earth and Space Sciences Teachers, Administrators

Dates: 10/17/2024

This synchronous session provides an overview of the Educator Guides for Life Science: Biology and Earth and Space Sciences (ESS). Participants will become familiar with the structure of the June 2025 Regents Examinations for both Biology and ESS. This includes the role of the required Investigations, test specifications, test design, and what types of questions will be asked.

The synchronous webinar link and supporting materials will be sent to registered participants the day before the session. CTLE credit will be awarded to those who attend the live webinar.

34. Genesee Valley BOCES Regional Curriculum Council Meeting (session 1 of 4)

Program: Curriculum Council

Audience: School Administrators

Dates: 10/18/2024

In Person
Lunch Provided
The Genesee Valley BOCES Administrative Curriculum Council meets throughout the school year in effort to collaborate with other Instructional Leaders in the region, hear updates from various departments & NYSED, and continue professional learning together.

35. Computer Science Cohort

Program: Model Schools

Audience: Grades 6-12 Teachers of Computer Science

Dates: 10/22/2024

This cohort brings together middle and high school educators who teach computer science and are seeking to enhance their teaching methods, explore new curricula, and connect with like-minded educators. This cohort-based model will comprise three intensive sessions that will delve into curriculum exploration, instructional models, peer networking, and evidence-based approaches to teaching computer science at the secondary level. Participants will engage in collaborative learning experiences that support ongoing growth and development in their teaching practice. Throughout the three sessions, participants will have the opportunity to collaborate with other cohort members, share ideas and resources, and receive feedback from expert facilitators. By the end of the program, teachers will have gained valuable insights, practical strategies, and a supportive network of peers to help them excel in their computer science teaching practice.

36. Global History & Geography Cohort

Program: School Improvement

Audience: Grades 6, 9-10 Global History & Geography Teachers

Dates: 10/22/2024 to 4/9/2025

In Person
Lunch Provided
The Global History & Geography Cohort for grades 9 and 10 teachers is designed to create a vibrant community where educators can engage with peers in their field. This cohort is structured to offer updates from the New York State Education Department (NYSED) and regional education authorities, alongside fostering a collaborative environment. The cohort aims to facilitate the sharing of best educational practices, enhance our collective expertise in content, and ensure that we remain at the cutting edge of social studies education. For the 2024-2025 academic year, our focus will be on refining historical source analysis techniques, developing inquiry-based learning strategies, and integrating the latest historical research into our teaching practices.

37. The Science & Joy of Reading in the School Library

Program: School Library System

Dates: 10/22/2024

Librarians and library services play a significant role in the literacy development of young people. Through their expertise and the use of library resources, librarians positively influence the implementation and success of evidence-based literacy instruction as defined by NYSED's Literacy Briefs and current research about literacy and libraries. In this workshop, participants will examine research findings and instructional resources, collaborate with peers, and develop plans for supporting and enhancing students' literacy and social development. Donalyn Miller (virtual keynote speaker); The Joy of Reading: Supporting Social Development and Building Background Knowledge Through Wide Reading Research findings show that wide reading can foster the development of positive social behaviors and attitudes, including empathy. Wide reading remains one of the most accessible ways for young people to build background knowledge about topics of personal interest and academic study. In this session, Donalyn Miller will share research findings, instructional moves, resources, and programming ideas for promoting wide reading. Session includes work session time to explore resources and collaborate with peers. Lunch will be provided.

38. Science 5-8 Cohort

Program: School Improvement

Audience: Grades 5-8 Science Teachers

Dates: 10/23/2024 to 3/12/2025

In Person
Lunch Provided
The Science 5-8 Cohort will afford intermediate-level science teachers the opportunity to connect with other 5-8 science teachers. The cohort model is structured to provide NYSED/regional updates and collaborative opportunities. The goal of the cohort is to learn best practices and why they work, as well as what these practices look like in a classroom. Participants will collaborate with colleagues to implement the best practices and reflect on implementation. The cohort structure also allows teachers to share personal implementation and reflections with the larger group. The focus will be on exploring the crosscutting concepts, integrating disciplinary core ideas, science and engineering practices, and crosscutting concepts, and designing 3-dimensional assessments aligned to the New York State P-12 Science Learning Standards.

39. Bridging Divide in the Classroom with Strategic Discourse

Program: School Improvement

Audience: Grades K-12 General/Special Education Teachers, Interventionists, Teacher Leaders, Instructional Coaches, and Administrators

Dates: 10/29/2024

In Person
Lunch Included
Join us for an immersive, full-day professional development workshop dedicated to transforming student discourse within the classroom. Inspired by the innovative strategies in Read, Talk, Write, by Nancy Motley, this workshop delves into the art of perspective-taking, social-emotional learning (SEL), and political bridging to enrich your teaching toolkit. Prepare to explore beyond the traditional debate format. We'll introduce you to diverse methods that not only encourage students to engage in meaningful discussions on challenging topics, but also enhance their reading and writing abilities through advanced discourse skills. In today's society, where understanding and communication are paramount, equipping students with these skills is more relevant than ever.

40. Communication Coordinators: Professional Learning

Program: School Library System

Audience: GV BOCES region librarians

Dates: 10/29/2024


41. Mathematics 9-12 Cohort

Program: School Improvement

Audience: Grades 9-12 Math Teachers

Dates: 10/29/2024 to 3/13/2025

In Person
Lunch Provided
The Mathematics 6-12 Cohort will afford mathematics teachers the opportunity to connect with other 6-12 math teachers. The cohort model is structured to provide NYSED/regional updates and collaborative opportunities. The goal of the cohort is to learn best practices and why they work, as well as what these practices look like in a classroom. Participants will collaborate with colleagues to implement the best practices and reflect on implementation. The cohort structure also allows teachers to share personal implementation and reflections with the larger group.

42. Communication Coordinators: Meeting

Program: School Library System

Audience: GV BOCES region librarians

Dates: 10/29/2024

Program, service, & regional updates; questions and sharing.

43. Special Education K-12 Cohort Group #1

Program: Special Education

Audience: Grades K-12 Special Education Teachers

Dates: 10/30/2024 to 3/19/2025

In Person
Lunch Provided
The Special Education K-12 Cohort Group #1 will afford special education teachers the opportunity to connect with other K-12 special education teachers. The cohort model is structured to provide NYSED/regional updates and collaborative opportunities. The goal of the cohort is to learn best practices and why they work, as well as what these practices look like in a classroom. Cohort Group #1 and Group #2 will cover the same content.

44. Special Education K-12 Cohort Group #2

Program: Special Education

Audience: Grades K-12 Special Education Teachers

Dates: 11/5/2024 to 4/8/2025

In Person
Lunch Provided
The Special Education K-12 Cohort Group #2 will afford special education teachers the opportunity to connect with other K-12 special education teachers. The cohort model is structured to provide NYSED/regional updates and collaborative opportunities. The goal of the cohort is to learn best practices and why they work, as well as what these practices look like in a classroom. Cohort Group #1 and Group #2 will cover the same content.

45. Responsive Teaching

Program: School Improvement

Audience: Grades K-12 General/Special Education Teachers, Interventionists, Teacher Leaders, Instructional Coaches, and Administrators

Dates: 11/6/2024

In Person
Lunch Included
This professional learning session is designed for educators seeking to enhance their adaptability and responsiveness within the classroom, through insightful student evaluations. Renowned assessment expert Dylan Wiliam emphasizes, "The key is to treat assessments as a device for improving instruction, not as a mechanism for ranking students" (Wiliam, 2011). Ongoing responsiveness serves as a critical lens for understanding student progress and needs, as well as enables educators to tailor their teaching strategies effectively. By focusing on the practical application of student-centered assessment techniques, this session aims to cultivate an environment that supports individualized learning and growth.

46. ELA 5-8 Cohort

Program: School Improvement

Audience: Grades 6-8 ELA Teachers

Dates: 11/7/2024 to 3/27/2025

In Person
Lunch Provided
The English Language Arts (ELA) Cohort will afford teachers the opportunity to connect with other ELA teachers to learn instructional models and practices. The cohort model is structured to provide NYSED/regional updates as well as collaborative opportunities in learning research-based approaches. The goal of the cohort is to initially learn new, best practices and why they work, practice their implementation, and reflect on the implementation trial. The cohort structure allows teachers to share personal insights throughout the implementation and facilitates reflection within the larger group.

47. Empowering Inquiry in the Classroom: An Introduction to the Inquiry Design Model (IDM)

Program: School Improvement

Audience: Grades 7-12 Social Studies Educators

Dates: 11/12/2024

In Person
Dating back to the years of 2014-2017, the social studies C3 Framework was seamlessly integrated into the New York State Education Framework, marking a significant shift that has since been reflected in Regents examinations. Despite these changes, many educators still find the transition to inquiry-based lessons and curricula somewhat challenging. The Inquiry Design Model (IDM), developed by Grant, Swan, and Lee (2023), stands out as an exemplary, research-based framework. It offers educators a structured approach to fostering inquiry-based thinking among students. It is important to distinguish IDM from Discovery Learning; IDM initiates with a compelling question at the start of each unit, paving the way for direct and explicit instruction in historical thinking skills. Furthermore, IDM-style units afford students the chance to engage with both primary and secondary sources, encouraging them to explore and question as they seek answers to profound historical inquiries. Please join the School Improvement Team for a one-day introductory workshop on the IDM. This session aims to equip participants with the foundational knowledge to incorporate IDM practices into your teaching right away.

48. Instructional Coaching Cohort

Program: School Improvement

Audience: Instructional Coaches and Administrators

Dates: 11/12/2024 to 4/2/2025

In Person
Lunch Provided
Instructional coaching has proven to be an effective strategy for personal and teacher growth, increased student achievement, and individualized professional learning. In this cohort, participants will collaborate with other coaches in the region to focus on improving our practice, sharing effective coaching strategies, and having collegial dialogue regarding the implementation of the cohort model. Participants can expect to collaborate and problem solve, as well as explore the characteristics of the most effective coaches. Coaches will discuss high-impact teaching strategies and learn how to share these strategies with colleagues.

49. ELA 9-12 Cohort

Program: School Improvement

Audience: Grades 9-12 ELA Teachers

Dates: 11/13/2024 to 4/2/2025

In Person
Lunch Provided
The English Language Arts (ELA) Cohort will afford teachers the opportunity to connect with other ELA teachers to learn instructional models and practices. The cohort model is structured to provide NYSED/regional updates as well as collaborative opportunities in learning research-based approaches. The goal of the cohort is to initially learn new, best practices and why they work, practice their implementation, and reflect on the implementation trial. The cohort structure allows teachers to share personal insights throughout the implementation and facilitates reflection within the larger group.

50. TIG Tune Up Series: Crisis Management: Strategic Planning skills. Bring your team!

Program: Trauma, Illness and Grief (TIG)

Audience: Administrators, School Mental Health team, SROs, Nurses,Teachers and Coaches

Dates: 11/13/2024

Learn/Review strategic planning during a critical incident using CISM skills. Bring your team for a practice scenario. One hour Zoom discussion.

51. Unpacking the Educator Guides for Life Science: Biology and Earth and Space Sciences: What to Expect With the New Regents Examinations

Program: School Improvement

Audience: Life Science: Biology Teachers, Earth and Space Sciences Teachers, Administrators

Dates: 11/13/2024

This synchronous session provides an overview of the Educator Guides for Life Science: Biology and Earth and Space Sciences (ESS). Participants will become familiar with the structure of the June 2025 Regents Examinations for both Biology and ESS. This includes the role of the required Investigations, test specifications, test design, and what types of questions will be asked.

The synchronous webinar link and supporting materials will be sent to registered participants the day before the session. CTLE credit will be awarded to those who attend the live webinar.

52. Building a Supportive Teaching Community: Practical Approaches for Social Emotional Learning Among Educators

Program: School Improvement

Audience: Grades K-12 General/Special Education Teachers, Interventionists, Teacher Leaders, Instructional Coaches, and Administrators

Dates: 11/14/2024

In Person
Lunch Provided
The well-being and professional growth of educators are pivotal in creating enriching and effective learning environments. This professional development session recognizes the critical role of social emotional learning for educators and focuses on cultivating emotional resilience, fostering positive relationships, and supporting a culture of collaborative learning among teachers and school staff. Educators will learn strategies to enhance self-awareness, manage stress, encourage empathy, and improve communication skills. These skills build a supportive teaching community in which educators can ensure a nurturing and effective educational environment for both themselves and their students, leading to enhanced learning outcomes and overall school success.

53. ENL Educators Cohort

Program: School Improvement

Audience: Grades K-12 ENL Educators

Dates: 11/14/2024 to 3/11/2025

In Person
This cohort will focus on supporting K-12 English as New Language (ENL) teachers in the Genesee Valley region. The cohort will give teachers the opportunity to engage in learning and networking with other ENL professionals around best practices in ELL education. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in learning focused on topics that will be determined by the participants and the needs of the region. Lunch is on your own.

54. Deconstructing Depth of Knowledge: A Method and Model for Deeper Teaching and Learning

Program: School Improvement

Audience: K-8 General Education, Special Education & Intervention Teachers, Instructional Coaches, and Administrators

Dates: 11/19/2024 to 11/20/2024

In Person
Lunch Included
Biographical Sketch: Erik M. Francis, M.Ed., M.S., is an international author and presenter with over 25 years of experience working as a classroom teacher, a site administrator, an education program specialist with a state education agency, and a professional development trainer. He is the author of Inquiring Minds Want to Learn: Posing Good Questions to Promote Student Inquiry and Deconstructing Depth of Knowledge: A Method and Model for Deeper Teaching and Learning published by Solution Tree. He is also the author of Now That's a Good Question! How to Promote Cognitive Rigor Through Classroom Questioning published by ASCD. Erik is also ranked consistently as one of the World's Top 30 Education Professionals by the research organization Global Gurus. He has also been named one of the Top 25 Leaders for Design Thinking and the Top 25 Leaders for Future Work by Thinkers360.

Session Description: Participants will learn how Depth of Knowledge determines the cognitive demand of academic standards, curricular activities, and test items based on the complexity of the content students must learn and extent of the conditions and criteria - or context - in which students must understand and use their learning. Participants will deconstruct the learning intention of academic standards, curricular activities, and test items to determine their DOK Level and how to reconstruct performance objectives into DOK Learning Targets that specify the demand of the mental processing students must perform and the response students must provide to curricular activities and test items. Registered participants will receive a copy of the text Deconstructing Depth of Knowledge: A Method and Model for Deeper Teaching and Learning by Erik M. Francis, and many other tangible resources.

55. Collaborative & Proactive Solutions & Trauma Informed FBAs

Program: Trauma, Illness and Grief (TIG)

Dates: 11/21/2024

An overview of Dr. Ross Greene's Collaborative & Proactive Solutions model as an alternative to traditional behavior modification or discipline. Use of the ALSUP 2024 as a problem solving discussion guide. Discuss how to create trauma informed FBAs with a solution focused framework.

56. Educational Benefit

Program: Special Education

Audience: Grades K-12 Special Education Teachers, Interventionists, Teacher Leaders, Instructional Coaches, and Administrators

Dates: 11/21/2024

In Person
Students with disabilities are expected to make educational progress and benefit from the support and services provided to them, in order to ensure that a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) has been provided and sustained. During this session, participants can expect to examine three-year trend data (of one student), as a case study, in an effort to locally replicate the process. This session is most effective when districts send small stakeholder teams.

57. Regional CSE Chairperson Meeting (Genesee Valley BOCES Districts Only)

Program: Special Education

Audience: Gensee Valley BOCES Regional Special Education Administrators

Dates: 11/21/2024

In Person
Regional CSE Chairperson Meetings are to provide special education leaders in the Genesee Valley BOCES area with updates from the Office of Special Education, NSYED, and regional networks. Time will also be given up to guest speakers, professional learning, and collaborative projects.

58. TCIS: Therapeutic Crisis Intervention for Schools (Levels I & II)

Program: Special Education

Audience: Grades K-12 Paraprofessionals, General and Special Education Teachers, School Counselors, and School Psychologist

Dates: 12/2/2024 to 12/11/2024

The Therapeutic Crisis Intervention for Schools (TCIS) training program for child and youth care staff presents a framework for implementing a crisis and management system that reduces the need to rely on high-risk interventions. The TCI framework complements the Response to Intervention (RTI) approach and also includes aspects of trauma-informed care. Staff who are trained in the TCI program are provided a crisis prevention and intervention model designed to teach staff how to help children learn constructive ways to proactively diminish crisis and also support students and staff to react to a crisis. The skills, knowledge, and professional judgment of staff in responding to crises are critical factors in helping young people learn constructive and adaptive ways to deal with frustration, failure, anger, rejection, hurt, and depression. Program objectives include learning to proactively prevent and/or de-escalate a potential crisis situation with a child or young person, manage a crisis situation in a therapeutic manner, and if necessary, intervene physically in a manner that reduces the risk of harm to children and staff and process the crisis event with children and young people to help improve their coping strategies. Upon completion, this training will certify the attendee in Levels I & II certification.

Attendance is required for all four days to receive certification.

Lunch will be on your own on 12/2, 12/3, and 12/10. Lunch will be provided on 12/11.

59. Communication Coordinators: Professional Learning

Program: School Library System

Audience: GV BOCES region librarians

Dates: 12/3/2024


60. Communication Coordinators: Meeting

Program: School Library System

Audience: GV BOCES region librarians

Dates: 12/3/2024

Program, service, & regional updates; questions and sharing.

61. Archetyping the Master Teacher; Sprint Series

Program: School Improvement

Audience: Grades K-12 General/Special Education Teachers, Interventionists, Teacher Leaders, Instructional Coaches, and Administrators

Dates: 12/3/2024 to 3/13/2025

Lunch Included
In this session, participants will examine research-based practices that all educators should know, and be able to do within classrooms. This opportunity is grounded in the article Principles of Instruction: Research-Based Strategies That All Teachers Should Know, by Rosenshine (2012). This professional-learning opportunity explores ten evidence-informed classroom practices that effective educators have employed for decades. Participants will be encouraged to reflect on their instructional delivery, identify areas to make small shifts in practice, and potentially identify areas for future continuous improvement. We are excited to introduce this session through an innovative ‘hybrid' model, which combines the convenience of an online learning platform with the interactive richness of live Zoom sessions. Our journey begins with an introductory Zoom meeting on December 3rd, from 1:30 to 2:30 PM, and concludes with a closing Zoom session on March 13th. The hybrid format offers participants the flexibility to engage with the content and participate in discussions at their own pace between Zoom meetings. Additionally, the platform allows educators to encourage and support each other while implementing these practices in their own classrooms. This unique learning opportunity is designed for educators at all levels across our region, aiming to refine their pedagogical skills while fostering a supportive community for shared growth and development.

62. Holocaust Educator Network

Program: School Improvement

Audience: Educators K-12, Counselors, Administrators, Social Studies Educators

Dates: 12/4/2024 to 4/23/2025

In Person
Lunch Provided
The Holocaust Educator Network is committed to offering annual professional-development opportunities for educators and administrators focused on the effective integration of Holocaust education into the classroom. Following the 2022 mandate, New York State school districts are now legally required to ensure that Holocaust education is accurately represented in curricula. This initiative not only supports compliance with this requirement, but also aligns with Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) efforts, and incorporates aspects of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). To facilitate this, the School Improvement Team will organize three, full-day sessions each year, centered on a specific theme related to the Holocaust. These sessions are designed to equip school personnel with the knowledge and resources necessary to bring these critical life-long lessons back to their institutions for implementation.

63. Nexus-Level Vocabulary

Program: School Improvement

Audience: Grades 3-12 Teachers, Reading Specialists, Instructional Coaches, Teacher Leaders and Administrators

Dates: 12/5/2024 to 12/17/2024

In Person
Lunch Provided
For decades, professional learning on vocabulary instruction has been an exercise of throwing strategies "against the wall” and seeing what sticks! Historically, what has been missing, has been the connection, or link, between the myriad strategies available. This vocabulary session is unique in that it provides that nexus in the form of Hennessy's (2021) Instructional Road Map for Vocabulary. This blueprint, "which is an evidence-based framework for designing and delivering instruction, provides necessary direction… [which] call[s] for an educator to use multiple strategies and activities before, during, and after comprehension instruction” (Hennessy, p. 62). Please join us to learn this explicit approach and also build confidence on how to best sequence additional strategies you already know for the most robust approach to vocabulary instruction your class has seen yet!

64. Computer Science Cohort

Program: Model Schools

Audience: Grades 6-12 Teachers of Computer Science Courses

Dates: 12/12/2024

This cohort brings together middle and high school educators who teach computer science and are seeking to enhance their teaching methods, explore new curricula, and connect with like-minded educators. This cohort-based model will comprise three intensive sessions that will delve into curriculum exploration, instructional models, peer networking, and evidence-based approaches to teaching computer science at the secondary level. Participants will engage in collaborative learning experiences that support ongoing growth and development in their teaching practice. Throughout the three sessions, participants will have the opportunity to collaborate with other cohort members, share ideas and resources, and receive feedback from expert facilitators. By the end of the program, teachers will have gained valuable insights, practical strategies, and a supportive network of peers to help them excel in their computer science teaching practice.

65. Regional CSE Chairperson Meeting (Genesee Valley BOCES Districts Only)

Program: Special Education

Audience: Gensee Valley BOCES Regional Special Education Administrators

Dates: 12/12/2024

In Person
Regional CSE Chairperson Meetings are to provide special education leaders in the Genesee Valley BOCES area with updates from the Office of Special Education, NSYED, and regional networks. Time will also be given up to guest speakers, professional learning, and collaborative projects.

66. Rediscover the Joy of Reading: A Book Study

Program: School Library System

Audience: School Librarians

Dates: 12/13/2024

Do you love reading? Do you want to encourage your students to love reading? This book study is for you! We will read "The Joy of Reading" by Donalyn Miller and Teri Lesesne and engage in discussions about how to spark reading joy in ourselves and in our students. With the book as our guide, we will explore our own reading lives and talk about how to create the conditions for students to have positive, joyful experiences with books. Dive into all things reading with your colleagues and learn more about what students need for healthy reading lives. The book study will be held asynchronously on Schoology with weekly discussions, starting on October 4th, 2024. If you do not have a Schoology account, one will be created for you. A free copy of the book will be provided to the first 40 registrants. This PD is for the Monroe One, Monroe 2, and Genesee Valley regions. The focus of the book study will be on the work of school librarians but other teachers are welcome to join us.

67. Genesee Valley BOCES Regional Curriculum Council Meeting (session 2 of 4)

Program: Curriculum Council

Audience: School Administrators

Dates: 12/13/2024

In Person
Lunch Provided
The Genesee Valley BOCES Administrative Curriculum Council meets throughout the school year in effort to collaborate with other Instructional Leaders in the region, hear updates from various departments & NYSED, and continue professional learning together.

68. Navigating Depths of Learning: From Surface to Deep and Transfer Learning

Program: School Improvement

Audience: Grades K-12 General/Special Education Teachers, Interventionists, Teacher Leaders, Instructional Coaches, and Administrators

Dates: 12/18/2024

In Person
Lunch Provided
Participants will gain an in-depth understanding of the differences between surface, deep, and transfer learning. This includes exploring the cognitive processes involved in each type of learning and their implications for curriculum design and instruction. Educators will explore instructional strategies that promote deep learning, such as problem-based learning, concept mapping, and the use of reflective journals, which encourage students to integrate and critically evaluate information (Kapur, 2016).

69. Knowledge Building Can't Wait

Program: School Improvement

Audience: Grades K-12 General/Special Education Teachers, Reading Specialists, Instructional Coaches, Teacher Leaders and Administrators

Dates: 1/6/2025

Educators desperately seek the "silver bullet” that will improve reading comprehension. Sadly, one does not exist, because reading comprehension is a by-product of multiple skills working in synergy as identified on Scarborough's Rope (2001). According to Recht & Leslie (1988), however, there is one attribute that can accelerate the synergy of these skills and that, proven over and over again (Gough & Tunmer, 1986), is the importance of readers' possessing necessary background knowledge of text topics. With this finding, please join regional colleagues for a shared viewing of HyeJin Hwang's podcast investigating approaches to best "cultivate in-depth knowledge” to assist students abilities to "recall text information ideas, and… make better inferences about missing ideas in text” (2024).

The asynchronous content will be sent to registered participants prior to the day of the session. Participants will have from January 6 to January 17, 2025 to complete all requirements to earn session credit.

70. Regional CSE Chairperson Meeting (Genesee Valley BOCES Districts Only)

Program: Special Education

Audience: Gensee Valley BOCES Regional Special Education Administrators

Dates: 1/9/2025

In Person
Regional CSE Chairperson Meetings are to provide special education leaders in the Genesee Valley BOCES area with updates from the Office of Special Education, NSYED, and regional networks. Time will also be given up to guest speakers, professional learning, and collaborative projects.

71. TIG Tune Up Series: Crisis Communications: Best Practices During Critical Incidents

Program: Trauma, Illness and Grief (TIG)

Audience: Administrators, School Mental Health team, SROs, Nurses,Teachers and Coaches

Dates: 1/22/2025

Learn/Review best practices for crisis communications during a critical incident, including suicide safe messaging and media management. One hour Zoom discussion.

72. STEAM Cohort

Program: Model Schools

Audience: Grades K-12 STEAM Teachers (or those pursuing a STEAM position)

Dates: 1/23/2025

This cohort is designed for educators that are working in a STEAM-related position, interested in moving into such a position, or interested in integrating EdTech and other STEAM activities and resources into their regular classroom/library. The Cohort will be introduced to a variety of EdTech and STEAM tools and resources. Options for integrating STEAM activities into a variety of curricular areas will be explored, with additional emphasis on building collaborative relationships with other teachers for planning STEAM activities including how to build a STEAM culture in your school building. Lunch will be provided.

73. Clinical Ethics in a School Setting

Program: Trauma, Illness and Grief (TIG)

Dates: 1/30/2025

Discussion of clinical ethics are related to social workers, psychologists and school counselors when working in a school setting. Including topics related to student confidentiality and dual relationships in small, rural school districts.

74. Online Book Study: Seen, Heard, and Valued

Program: School Improvement

Audience: Grades K-12 General/Special Education Teachers, Reading Specialists, Instructional Coaches, Teacher Leaders and Administrators

Dates: 2/3/2025

Book Study
Book Included
Join the School Improvement Team for an eight-week book study to explore and discuss the text, Seen, Heard, and Valued: Universal Design for Learning and Beyond, by Lee Ann Jung. Participants will explore Universal Design for Learning (2024) and how it can ensure instruction is tailored to the strengths and needs of each student by removing barriers to learning, thus creating a more equitable learning environment (Jung, 2023).

Participants can expect to participate in a (virtual) book study by reading, writing, and posting on the Google Classroom platform. A syllabus and a copy of the book will be provided to participants prior to the book study launch date. Assignments and discussions will be posted throughout the week. In order to receive credit, participants must complete all requirements. CTLE hours will be awarded based upon online participation and completion of course tasks.

Registration Close Date: January 17, 2025

Course Launch Date: February 3, 2025

Course Close Date: March 28, 2025

75. The Science of Learning: Studies Every Teacher Should Know

Program: School Improvement

Audience: Grades K-12 General/Special Education Teachers, Interventionists, Teacher Leaders, Instructional Coaches, and Administrators

Dates: 2/4/2025

In Person
Lunch Provided
This in-person, professional-learning opportunity will equip instructional staff members with research-based methods that, when implemented appropriately, are proven to increase the rate and depth of long-term learning. These methods support teachers in the quest to help students learn as effectively and efficiently as possible. The session will highlight key-research findings to: present cognitive learning strategies, define their purpose and function, and plan for immediate implementation into classroom use. This approach affords the possibility that students do not just have to do better at school, but that school can make learning better for students.

Paid registration will include a copy of the book The Science of Learning: 99 Studies that Every Teacher Needs to Know to support the work.

76. Let Them Drive: Student-Centered Learning Projects

Program: School Improvement

Audience: Grades K-12 General/Special Education Teachers, Interventionists, Teacher Leaders, Instructional Coaches, and Administrators

Dates: 2/4/2025 to 4/8/2025

Student-centered projects offer educators a distinctive opportunity to leverage engagement through extended work. Contrary to the common misconception, these learning approaches necessitate substantial structure and planning. In reality, Project-Based and Performance-Based Learning demand explicit intentions, meticulous planning, and systematic instruction to equip students with the necessary framework for success in directing their own learning journeys. To demystify the process and lay the groundwork for implementing student-centered learning experiences, the School Improvement Team will conduct three, one-hour synchronous sessions. These sessions aim to introduce foundational concepts essential for fostering effective student-centered learning environments in your classroom.

The synchronous webinar link and supporting materials will be sent to registered participants the day before the session. CTLE credit will be awarded to those who attend the live webinar.

77. Guiding Resilience through Trauma-Informed Teaching Practices

Program: School Improvement

Audience: Grades K-12 General/Special Education Teachers, Interventionists, Teacher Leaders, Instructional Coaches, and Administrators

Dates: 2/5/2025

In Person
Lunch Included
Educators play a crucial role in both imparting knowledge and supporting the social emotional needs of their students. This professional development session is designed to provide educators with the knowledge and tools necessary to utilize trauma-informed approaches in their teaching practices. Participants will understand how trauma affects learning and behavior, describe the principles of trauma-informed education, and identify strategies for creating safe learning environments, to support the resilience and success of all students, but particularly for those who have experienced trauma.

78. Communication Coordinators: Professional Learning

Program: School Library System

Audience: GV BOCES region librarians

Dates: 2/11/2025


79. Communication Coordinators: Meeting

Program: School Library System

Audience: GV BOCES region librarians

Dates: 2/11/2025

Program, service, & regional updates; questions and sharing.

80. Regional CSE Chairperson Meeting (Genesee Valley BOCES Districts Only)

Program: Special Education

Audience: Gensee Valley BOCES Regional Special Education Administrators

Dates: 2/13/2025

In Person
Regional CSE Chairperson Meetings are to provide special education leaders in the Genesee Valley BOCES area with updates from the Office of Special Education, NSYED, and regional networks. Time will also be given up to guest speakers, professional learning, and collaborative projects.

81. 360° Content in the Classroom

Program: Model Schools

Audience: K-12 teachers and tech coaches

Dates: 2/20/2025

360° images and videos can be used to deliver immersive experiences where the viewer can turn their device in any direction to explore from all angles, without a VR headset. Explore sources of pre-created content and learn how to create your own, embed it with additional info, and share it with others. Discuss ideas on how you might use 360° content in your school or classroom such as virtual tours, visiting historical or faraway places, training materials, and student created 360° content as well. Get hands-on with our 360° camera and make a plan for implementing this technology in your classroom.

82. Assisting Individuals In Crisis with Barb Ertl

Program: Trauma, Illness and Grief (TIG)

Audience: TIG team Members, Social Workers, Psychologists, Counselors

Dates: 3/3/2025 to 3/4/2025

Crisis Intervention is a specialized acute emergency mental health intervention which requires specialized training. As physical first aid is to surgery, crisis intervention is to psychotherapy. Thus, crisis intervention is sometimes called "emotional first aid”. This program is designed to teach participants the fundamentals of, and a specific protocol for, individual crisis intervention.This course is designed for anyone who desires to increase their knowledge of individual (one-on-one) crisis intervention techniques.

83. Computer Science Cohort

Program: Model Schools

Audience: Grades 6-12 Teachers of Computer Science Courses

Dates: 3/4/2025

This cohort brings together middle and high school educators who teach computer science and are seeking to enhance their teaching methods, explore new curricula, and connect with like-minded educators. This cohort-based model will comprise three intensive sessions that will delve into curriculum exploration, instructional models, peer networking, and evidence-based approaches to teaching computer science at the secondary level. Participants will engage in collaborative learning experiences that support ongoing growth and development in their teaching practice. Throughout the three sessions, participants will have the opportunity to collaborate with other cohort members, share ideas and resources, and receive feedback from expert facilitators. By the end of the program, teachers will have gained valuable insights, practical strategies, and a supportive network of peers to help them excel in their computer science teaching practice.

84. TCIS: Therapeutic Crisis Intervention for Schools (Levels I & II)

Program: Special Education

Audience: Grades K-12 Paraprofessionals, General and Special Education Teachers, School Counselors, and School Psychologist

Dates: 3/5/2025 to 3/11/2025

The Therapeutic Crisis Intervention for Schools (TCIS) training program for child and youth care staff presents a framework for implementing a crisis and management system that reduces the need to rely on high-risk interventions. The TCI framework complements the Response to Intervention (RTI) approach and also includes aspects of trauma-informed care. Staff who are trained in the TCI program are provided a crisis prevention and intervention model designed to teach staff how to help children learn constructive ways to proactively diminish crisis and also support students and staff to react to a crisis. The skills, knowledge, and professional judgment of staff in responding to crises are critical factors in helping young people learn constructive and adaptive ways to deal with frustration, failure, anger, rejection, hurt, and depression. Program objectives include learning to proactively prevent and/or de-escalate a potential crisis situation with a child or young person, manage a crisis situation in a therapeutic manner, and if necessary, intervene physically in a manner that reduces the risk of harm to children and staff and process the crisis event with children and young people to help improve their coping strategies. Upon completion, this training will certify the attendee in Levels I & II certification.

Attendance is required for all four days to receive certification.

Lunch will be on your own on 3/5, 3/6, and 3/10. Lunch will be provided on 3/11.

85. STEAM Cohort

Program: Model Schools

Audience: Grades K-12 STEAM Teachers (or those pursuing a STEAM position)

Dates: 3/6/2025

This cohort is designed for educators that are working in a STEAM-related position, interested in moving into such a position, or interested in integrating EdTech and other STEAM activities and resources into their regular classroom/library. The Cohort will be introduced to a variety of EdTech and STEAM tools and resources. Options for integrating STEAM activities into a variety of curricular areas will be explored, with additional emphasis on building collaborative relationships with other teachers for planning STEAM activities including how to build a STEAM culture in your school building. Lunch will be provided.

86. Assessment Alignment

Program: School Improvement

Audience: Grades 3-12 Teachers, Instructional Coaches, Teacher Leaders, and Administrators

Dates: 3/6/2025

Join the School Improvement Team for a live webinar that delves into the advantages and methodologies of synchronizing instructional standards with assessment items. Attendees will explore Webb's Depth of Knowledge (DOK) and utilize it as a tool for alignment, assigning appropriate levels of rigor to standards which aids in the optimal selection of item types. The session will also provide a comprehensive demonstration on constructing an assessment blueprint, enabling educators to critically evaluate assessments for reliability, fairness, rigor, and accuracy. The synchronous webinar link and supporting materials will be sent to registered participants the day before the session. CTLE credit will be awarded to those who attend the live webinar.

87. TIG Tune Up Series: Suicide Prevention & Intervention Plans

Program: Trauma, Illness and Grief (TIG)

Audience: Administrators, School Mental Health team, SROs, Nurses,Teachers and Coaches

Dates: 3/12/2025

Review essential elements of your school's suicide prevention & intervention plans. Please obtain your district's current policy to review and ask questions about. One hour Zoom discussion.

88. Regional CSE Chairperson Meeting (Genesee Valley BOCES Districts Only)

Program: Special Education

Audience: Gensee Valley BOCES Regional Special Education Administrators

Dates: 3/13/2025

In Person
Regional CSE Chairperson Meetings are to provide special education leaders in the Genesee Valley BOCES area with updates from the Office of Special Education, NSYED, and regional networks. Time will also be given up to guest speakers, professional learning, and collaborative projects.

89. Genesee Valley BOCES Regional Curriculum Council Meeting (session 3 of 4)

Program: Curriculum Council

Audience: School Administrators

Dates: 3/14/2025

In Person
Lunch Provided
The Genesee Valley BOCES Administrative Curriculum Council meets throughout the school year in effort to collaborate with other Instructional Leaders in the region, hear updates from various departments & NYSED, and continue professional learning together.

90. Advocating for Student Access to Services

Program: Trauma, Illness and Grief (TIG)

Dates: 3/18/2025

Understanding and advocating for various services available to students, including discussion of McKinney Vento (homelessness) law, working with foster care and other community and school based services.

91. Administrator's Guide to LGBTQ+ Laws and Guidance for Schools

Program: Trauma, Illness and Grief (TIG)

Audience: Administrators, other educational allies

Dates: 3/25/2025

Join us for an empowering workshop for middle and high school administrators seeking to create safer and more inclusive environments for LGBTQ+ students and the Gender and Sexuality Alliances (GSAs) in their schools. In addition to reviewing New York State education laws, we'll explore effective strategies for working with school boards and implementing comprehensive anti-bullying measures. Through interactive discussions and scenarios, participants will learn practical techniques for addressing challenges such as homophobic or transphobic parents, while also discovering ways to foster family pride and inclusion within their school communities. By the workshop's end, administrators will leave equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to champion LGBTQ+ rights, support GSAs, and ensure every student feels valued and protected. Breakfast Included.

92. Robot Roundup: Elementary

Program: Model Schools

Audience: Elementary STEM Teachers, Librarians

Dates: 4/3/2025

With so many robots on the market for schools, it can be overwhelming to know what tools to use and how. Join us for a hands-on day of learning about several robotics tools including Sphero Bolt, Sphero Indi, Root, Dash & Dot, Cubetto, Code & Go Robot Mouse, LEGO Spike Essential, and more. Exchange tips and lesson ideas for using each kind of robot. Stay for the afternoon to learn about secondary level robots.

93. Robot Roundup: Secondary

Program: Model Schools

Audience: Secondary STEM Teachers, Librarians

Dates: 4/3/2025

With so many robots on the market for schools, it can be overwhelming to know what tools to use and how. Join us for a hands-on day of learning about several robotics tools that are most appropriate for secondary school makerspaces and technology classrooms. This includes Sphero Bolt, Sphero RVR, Robot Arm, LEGO Spike Prime, mBot, and more. Exchange tips and lesson ideas for using each kind of robot. Come for the morning to learn about elementary level robots too.

94. TIG Tune Up Series: Threat Assessment: Review of Threat Assessment Plans

Program: Trauma, Illness and Grief (TIG)

Audience: Administrators, School Mental Health team, SROs, Nurses,Teachers and Coaches

Dates: 4/9/2025

Review essential elements of your school's threat assessment & intervention plans. Please obtain your district's current plan and policy to review and ask questions about. One hour Zoom discussion.

95. Online Book Study: The Art & Science of Teaching Primary Reading

Program: School Improvement

Audience: PreK-5 Teachers, Reading Specialists, Instructional Coaches, and Administrators

Dates: 5/5/2025

Book Study
Book Included
Join School Improvement for a six-week book study to explore and discuss the text: The Art & Science of Teaching Primary Reading, by Christopher Such. Participants will explore the technical and practical aspects of how children learn to read and learn how significant research can be interpreted in different teaching contexts to maximize reading outcomes. This book study will include interleaved reading and discussion sections to address key topics including: phonics, fluency, comprehension, vocabulary, and strategies that encourage independent reading. Participants can expect to participate in a virtual book study by reading, writing, and posting on the Google Classroom platform. A syllabus and a copy of the book will be provided to participants prior to the book study launch date. Assignments and discussions will be posted throughout the week. In order to receive credit, participants must complete all requirements. CTLE hours will be awarded based upon online participation and completion of course tasks.

96. TIG Tune Up Series: Trauma Informed Memorials, Commemorations & Graduations

Program: Trauma, Illness and Grief (TIG)

Audience: Administrators, School Mental Health team, SROs, Nurses,Teachers and Coaches

Dates: 5/7/2025

Learn/review best practices for trauma informed memorials, commemorations & graduations. Please bring your district Memorial & Commemoration policy for review. One hour Zoom discussion.

97. Mastering The MTSS-I Framework in NYS

Program: School Improvement

Audience: Grades PreK-12 Teachers, Instructional Coaches, Teacher Leaders, and Administrators

Dates: 5/8/2025

In Person
This professional learning experience is designed to equip New York State educators and school leaders with a comprehensive understanding of the Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) framework that was released by NYSED/OSE in October of 2023. As schools across New York State are looking to refine & implement MTSS, this workshop aims to build capacity in designing, implementing, and sustaining a proactive and integrated approach to meet the academic, behavioral, and social-emotional needs of all students.

98. Regional CSE Chairperson Meeting (Genesee Valley BOCES Districts Only)

Program: Special Education

Audience: Gensee Valley BOCES Regional Special Education Administrators

Dates: 5/8/2025

In Person
Regional CSE Chairperson Meetings are to provide special education leaders in the Genesee Valley BOCES area with updates from the Office of Special Education, NSYED, and regional networks. Time will also be given up to guest speakers, professional learning, and collaborative projects.

99. Genesee Valley BOCES Regional Curriculum Council Meeting (session 4 of 4)

Program: Curriculum Council

Audience: School Administrators

Dates: 5/9/2025

In Person
Lunch Provided
The Genesee Valley BOCES Administrative Curriculum Council meets throughout the school year in effort to collaborate with other Instructional Leaders in the region, hear updates from various departments & NYSED, and continue professional learning together.

100. Artificial Intelligence (Asynchronous)

Program: School Library System

Audience: K-12 Educators

Dates: 5/9/2025

As Artificial Intelligence becomes ever more pervasive in our schools and society, it's vital for educators to understand this impactful technology in order to prepare students for an AI-infused world. Explore the progression of AI, how it works and what it's capable of, and examine its capabilities and ethical implications. You'll look at the potential impact of AI in schools, how to use it as a professional tool, and how to address concerns about cheating. Reflect on different AI tools and consider the importance of teaching students about AI. The course will also include simple activities to spark classroom discussions about AI, along with some resources for more advanced lessons to implement. This asynchronous course uses a series of videos, articles, and activities where you'll be encouraged to try different AI tools to help you feel more comfortable with this rapidly evolving technology. Content is asynchronous online with an opportunity for follow up via Zoom at a date/time TBD to address any further questions. Course must be completed by May 9, 2025. This course is geared toward school librarians but it is open to other educators.

101. 24-25 Equity Challenge Week 8

Program: Teacher Center Catalog

Audience: All Audiences

Dates: 5/20/2025

Open Enrollment July to May 20
Self Paced

Participating in New York State Teacher Centers' 10 week Equity Challenge will introduce you to equity and how it impacts students and families. This work will support educators as they build local ecosystems of success. This badge corresponds with the activities in Week 8.
1. Enroll in the course on Frontline
2. Click this link
3. Register for an account or sign in if already registered
4. Start learning!
5. Course must be finished by May 20, 2025